RIL Services & Advocacy Employment Services Program
RIL's Employment Services Program is funded by the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). RIL will work with DOR Consumers to find a job that can increase their financial independence. This program involves four important services that encompass the Employment Services Program.
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RIL's Employment Services Program
include four important services:
Intake and Goal Planning
An Employment Specialist will assist a Consumer in learning about RIL services, their responsibilities and rights throughout the process, and develop an Individualized Service Plan for employment services.
Employment Preparation
The Employment Specialist will work with the Consumer to identify skills necessary to achieve their employment goals and a plan to build or strengthen their skills. This also includes résumé preparation, application and interviewing techniques and practice, and other job-readiness skills.
Job Development and Placement
The Employment Specialist will notify the Consumer of job leads and job fairs, show them effective internet job search tools, and help them develop networking skills. The Employment Specialist will also assist Consumers in applying for jobs fi needed, and help them navigate the interview, pre- employment process, and onboarding processes.
Retention Services
The Employment Specialist will provide 90 days of Retention Services, which includes providing the Consumer information on disclosing their disability to the employer and assist the Consumer in requesting reasonable accommodations. They will also do regular check-ins with the Consumer, and at times with the employer, to determine additional supports and ensure they are successful in retaining their new position.
Specialized Services:
Short Term Support Services (Job Coaching)
The Job Coach will assist the Consumer in learning their job duties and responsibilities, and their required skills and tasks necessary in their position. A Job Coach will accompany Consumer to any classes, and/or on-the-job training in order to learn the job, provide worksite supervision, assist the Consumer in integrating into the work environment and any other on- or off-the-job supportive services needed to stabilize job placement.